Transportation- Our people ride wagons pulled by donkeys. They started out by making boxes out of wood to store stuff. The boxes were too heavy to lift when they wanted to move the boxes. They invented the wheel and put two wheels on the ends of a log on the bottom of the box. All they had to do then was push it or have a donkey pull the box on wheels. Soon after that they would use the boxes to carry people and it soon developed into a wagon with seats and they made it easy to get in and out of.
Calendar- Our calendar is 365 days a year with 12 months and each month has 30 days. We use the other 5 days as lazy days.
Irrigation/Agriculture-Our people dig ditches from the river to water their crops. The river would also flood to water the crops. They grew fruits, vegetables, grapes, olives, and grain. They raised domesticated animals such as cows, sheep, and chickens.
Scientific Knowledge- Our people learns how to make boats. They start by watching people float on logs, but they would fall off of the log. They figured that if you carve out some of the log they could sit in it and float across the water. The fishermen used the boats to go fishing.