The Po River runs through the northern part of what is now Italy and enters into the Adriatic Sea which is where our civilization is located. Since it is has a higher longitude than the equator, it gets a little bit cooler in the winter time but, in the summer it has a good growing season. The Po River is our main source of water; it floods in the summer a few times but the main way to get water to the fields is the ditches that are built and run alongside some of the fields. People are able to get water out of the ditches if they need it for any thing. In the winter in snows in the mountains (the Alps) at the headwaters of the Po River when it melts, we get the runoff and that is what causes it to flood.
There are many natural resources located in the area inclusing marble, copper, zinc and other stones and metals. There are many trees located in the area so we decided to make houses in the trees to escape the yearly floods. The good fertile soil had good growing conditions so we grew fruit, vegetables, grapes, grains, and olives. The people also had a type of boat that they could go out in to the water and gather fish also. The land had native grass areas that allowed our domesticated animals to graze so when the time was right they could be butchered.